Rachel's Fat Fighters Club...

My life has been one long battle with a chocolate bar! I have decided to take action!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Good News!


First off all I must apologise for not blogging for some time...
I have had a lot of things going on recently and there hasn't been much time to get on the net and blog! Lame excuse I know but Ill get better at it I promise! :)

I have had excellent news - the job I told you all about ages ago has finally come through and been confirmed! Yay!!
As of May I shall be working for herts police!! I am leaving the old job behind and going to pastures new and really really looking forward to it!

I have handed in my resignation and that felt amazing - I have so unhappy and it hasn't helped my weight loss at all! Now I can focus on my new job and I know everything else will fall into place!

I must dash now though as I have a body shop party this eve and I need to sort my flat out as its not exactly in the best condition at the mo... blog soon

Rach xxx

1 comment:

Enigmanda said...

YAY! Grats on the new job!!